
Apple Reveals why it Rejects Apps and More of the Latest Mobile News

Once again, we are keeping you up to date with the latest news at AppLift as well as a round up of issues affecting the wider mobile industry.

AppLift is TRUSTe Certified (AppLift)


We take the safety and security of our website visitors’ and partners’ data very seriously and we’re pleased to announce that we now have TRUSTe certification. This means that we comply to TRUSTe’s rules about the collection, storage and use of personally identifiable information, non-personally identifiable information and cookies and other tracking technology data.

Apple Reveals why it Rejects Apps (Business Insider)

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Last week, Apple published a report on its own website about common grounds for apps being rejected from the App Store, and the top 10 reasons behind app rejections in the week ending September 28th 2014. This is big news, since Apple usually stay quiet about their reasoning and processes. The number 1 reason, it states, is “More information needed”. This may refer to contact information, a link to the publisher’s privacy policy or user support. Others include crashes and bugs, complex or unrefined user interface, and using names or icons similar to those of other apps. If you’re going to take inspiration from Flappy Birds or Swing Copters, you’ll need to be discreet.

Five New PubNative Building Blocks are Unveiled (PubNative)


The mobile native advertising platform PubNative has announced five more of its native ad building blocks from its arsenal of over 25 elements. The building blocks are essential for unique truly native ads; mobile publishers can select the ones they need to match their ads to their app, in form, function and purpose. Now, 10 building blocks have been revealed, the latest five being: app category, sub-category, app review text, app review pros and app review cons. PubNative also links to integration examples, so mobile publishers can use inspiration from other native integrations to learn what’s possible.

Amazon Acquires Twitch for $970 Million (PocketGamer)


Twitch, the live video platform and community which connects developers, publishers and gamers, has been acquired by Amazon. The deal was greenlighted, Twitch says, due to their shared beliefs in Twitch’s values, vision and community. This is just the latest development in a multi-faceted ad strategy for Amazon, which may be planning to use Twitch to develop its own video ad network.

Games to Global Brands? Rovio, Creative Mobile and Lima Sky Discuss (PocketGamer)

Mobile experts from Rovio, Creative Mobile, Lima Sky and more sat down at Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki 2014 for a panel about consumer connections and brands. Turning a games title into a big global thing, they say, is about creating a connection with users, and understand what they want. These users also have to feel attached and heard in order to personally identify which your brand. We believe this is something all publishers should aim towards – for greater engagement, more positive reviews and better retention rates.

Top AppLift Content


We recently published some best practices about how to achieve and keep active users here on our blog. First we uncovered our top five best practices for optimizing your app store presence with better ratings, and then we divulged our favorite tried and tested user retention strategies.

Upcoming Event Highlight

We are excited to head to Japan’s capital for the world’s most diverse digital marketing event, ad:tech Tokyo. If you’re attending, we look forward to meeting you there!