Happy employees are engaged employees. When looking to attract new talent, it is important to exemplify what the company stands for to ensure an appropriate fit. As one in three workers change jobs every 6 months, companies need to assure employees that their well being and work-life balance is being cared for. According to research, 30% of employees cite work-life balance as leading contributors to their loyalty. Additionally, 78% said they would remain longer with their employer if they saw a career path within their current organization. Motivating employees through company values while encouraging personal excellence helps increase employee retention and loyalty.
At AppLift, our core values are crucial to how the company functions and establish our brand internally and externally. Values are the guiding principles that dictate decisions and behavior because they truly resonate with employees, allowing each person to govern themselves in ways that become a company standard. Our values cultivate the company culture to develop and engage our employees. When we nurture and invest in the team, it shows in the successful achievement of goals. This ideology provides an ideal environment for valuable employees that translates across industry lines and all types of companies, applicable to a small startup to large corporations. We have found that as we continue to evolve and grow, our six values remain constant
Using direct feedback from employees to demonstrate how to embody these values, we have compiled the following views of personal examples depicting their behaviors. This is based on conversations, specifically with the team in the San Francisco office, on how they feel about their employee experience.
Work at AppLift is definitely not for people who aren’t hungry. Since we work in such a dynamic environment, new and difficult challenges often come along. People are the best resource at AppLift. Employees value each other – by having a strong relationship with coworkers, people feel better equipped to accomplish their goals.
The company gives employees the ability to execute. People take full ownership of their work and that is a privilege. Having the freedom to work on projects on their own drives them to be more proactive. Full transparency at the company helps employees excel at their jobs. Recognition is important at AppLift and allowing people to make decisions on their own shows that the company trusts the employees. Studies show that 75% of the general workforce receiving at least monthly recognition are satisfied with their job and 30% are satisfied when there is even an informal recognition program in place.
AppLift does its utmost to make its employees happy. Team events are commonly hosted to help employees take a step back from everything while building trust within the company. It’s in the little things: from grabbing a beer with somebody from top management and being able to flatten the hierarchy, to tailored consulting when it comes to talent development. Because the application process at AppLift is very thorough, why would we not treat employees well who have been so carefully selected? Every employee is important to the function of the greater team.
As with everything, there are always ups and downs in business. The down moments are the ones that foster the most improvement. Once management sees potential in somebody, they will encourage them to improve their performance and seek out opportunities to create their own career path.
AppLift puts its people at the forefront. This shows in the output of our product, our push for better technology and the tremendous effort the team collectively puts forth to drive innovation and build a successful company. Like any good company, its values are the foundation that builds up the people and provides the ideal atmosphere to thrive. When the drive, passion, and innovation allows employees to excel, along with appreciation for each achievement, great things are bound to happen.
Collaboration efforts for this piece from Katie Balestreri from the San Francisco office.