
Have You Given Your App Marketing a Spring Cleaning?

Spring has sprung! And while that means basking in the sunshine and enjoying the season’s blossoms, it also means one thing: spring cleaning.

Deep cleaning the forgotten corners of your home is, of course, on the agenda, but if you are an app marketer, then maybe its also time to give your app marketing some spring cleaning.

Start fresh this spring and give your app marketing efforts a sparkling boost with these tips:

Come Out of Hibernation

If there’s one lesson from the nature during spring time it is to end the hibernation and come outdoors! Apply that to your app marketing and be discoverable to the users. Thousands of apps get launched in the App Store each day and app marketers who do not optimize on how users search for their apps are set to lose out. This is especially so for those who have recently launched an app. End the hibernation and learn the best practices for App Store Optimization (ASO) to be in front of the users.

Those app marketers who have applied various ASO techniques but not got the desired returns, it might be a good idea to scrub clean the app page by changing app screenshots, icons and descriptions to help users discover your app easily.

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Freshen Up Your Ad Creatives

Throw out the stale creatives for your ad campaigns and bring in some freshness. A successful app marketing strategy is based on intelligent use of creatives to invite the right users. For optimal campaign performance, it is important to have a range of creatives with different size, types and design to target the right audiences. Using the same creatives can cause a decline in performance as it leads to user fatigue.

A constant refresh of creatives, especially those that are event related — for instance, 50% summer sale for eCommerce — will prove to be much more effective in your app marketing efforts.

Drive Out the Bugs

Bugs can be pesky, not just in your homes but also within your app. Annoying bugs in the app can interrupt the user experience and keep users away from coming back to the app. Don’t just launch your app and forget about it. Updating an app to fix common bugs and provide users with enhanced features is an important channel to keep users coming back to interact with your app.

Users are more likely to come back to the app if they know what new there is to offer in the app, hence, be sure to let the users know in the app section what the new version of the app brings to them.Reach the Forgotten Corners

Don’t forget the inactive users when marketing your app. Just like the hidden corners of the house need an extra effort, it takes a bit more to reach the inactive users. The effectiveness of app marketing campaigns can be greatly enhanced via techniques such as email and push notifications and deep linking to reach the user with a clear message. Often tailored messages catch the user’s attention and lead to launch the app again, leading to higher engagement and conversions.

Open the Windows to Bring in Fresh Air

Finally, let the fresh air come in! Organic installs are great, but give your app marketing a mix by combining paid UA campaigns with organic app installs. An organic app marketing strategy is really important to find new users, but a well-thought out paid UA strategy can bring in fresh air to the app marketing efforts, by boosting organic downloads by 1.5X.

Start by defining the success indicators and consider your app advertising partner well. Consider your partners well and work out a pricing that is right.