
AppLift Joins Adjust’s Coalition Against Ad Fraud (CAAF) to Continue Ad Fraud Fight

The topic of ad fraud has been covered quite excessively in mobile industry-related news recently, as it is now more pressing than ever. Fighting and preventing mobile ad fraud has been a top priority for us at AppLift as we focus on our philosophy of creating a true value gain for our advertisers

As part of our efforts to fight fraud in the industry, we are proud to announce that we have joined Adjust’s Coalition Against Ad Fraud (CAAF). The body is made of key members from mobile marketing industry, including attribution partners and ad networks. Members of CAAF will collaborate on an agreed set of guidelines that cover key topics, such as who is responsible for preventing fraud (and where), as well as the best methods for fraud detection and prevention, with an aligned view on stopping ad fraud. Through mutual collaboration and participation, CAAF strives to ultimately succeed in stemming the tide of mobile ad fraud.

“AppLift and Adjust fraud teams have been working extremely proactively together in the past two years, exchanging learnings from one another on how to find and circumvent fraud at its roots. We are happy to join the coalition and believe that with enough joint force by strong players in the industry, we can and will cut fraudulent activity,” AppLift’s MD and CRO said on joining CAAF.

Ebook Social BannerBeing an active player in the ad tech space, we have been at the forefront of the fight against ad fraud. As a company, our efforts are focused towards detecting and preventing ad fraud. We recently announced the Fraud Buster, a one-of-a-kind solution, which goes further than real-time detection and prevention at the install level. Our recent in-depth report on mobile ad fraud also emphasizes on the need for various stakeholders in the industry to come together to combat ad fraud.

Learn more about CAAF here.

Get to know more about ad fraud types and prevention methods in our latest free eBook available here.