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앱을 출시하기 이전에 세우는 “앱 출시 전략” 이 얼마나 중요한지 아십니까? 하루에도 애플 스토어와 구글 플레이 스토어에 1500개 이상의 앱이 출시되고 있으며 이 중에서 성공한다는 것은 무척이나 어려운 일입니다.

그러므로 앱 마케팅은 중요합니다. 시장에 출시되는 수 많은 앱과 경쟁하기 위해서는 앱을 출시한 이후에 마케팅 활동을 시작하는 것보다 앱 개발 단계부터 차근차근 준비하는 것이 좋습니다. 빠르게는 앱이 출시된기 6~8개월 전부터 앱 마케팅 전략을 세우면 좋습니다.

그런 의미에서 이번 블로그 포스팅에서는 성공하는 앱을 만들기 위해 앱 출시 전에 해야하는 전략들을 정리해 볼까 합니다.

Four Things To Do Before Your App Launch

As an app developer or marketer, do you know how important it is to have strong app launch strategy?

With more than 1500 apps launched every day both on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, needless to say that succeeding in the app world is incredibly challenging.

It is not only about crafting a great app: every element surrounding your core product should be maximized in order to increase your chances of success.

Marketing your app is crucial. It does not only start when your app is in the store. There are many actions that can be undertaken before your app is even finished. You need to get your app ready to compete with 1,5 million other apps.

Your app marketing strategies should therefore start early: 6-8 months before the launch is recommended.

Here are 4 great recommendations that will help you create a strong pre-launch strategy.

Three Ways to Feed Consumers’ Hunger for Mobile Gaming, While Respecting Their Privacy

Back in 2008, the world changed. Apple introduced its first ever iPhone and a store to house small icons that led to larger applications, called apps, that could be downloaded to your device – the App Store. Since then, an entire and very profitable industry has been built around app design and development. The App Store offers nearly 1.5 million apps in 24 categories, including social networking, gaming, photo & video, health & fitness, travel, to name a few.

The most successful category of apps continues to be gaming. According to a report from The NPD Group, the average time spent playing mobile games in 2014 increased by 57% compared to 2012, with three hours daily playing games on our mobile devices and tablets. This explains why this business has become so successful over the years, and it’s not stopping. A recent study predicts that the total revenue for mobile gaming will hit $30 billion in revenue in 2015 and $40 billion in 2017, up from $25 billion in 2014.

App Localisation: How to Unlock Revenue Overseas

The mobile ecosystem has expanded rapidly over the last 5 years, with smartphones and mobile applications now being accessible in nearly every corner of the earth. The Apple App Store supports 155 countries in 28 languages, whilst Google Play has free applications available almost worldwide and supports 46 different languages.

In combination with global growth, app monetisation channels have matured considerably and emerging markets are now being recognised as much more lucrative than before.

User Satisfaction: Four Reasons Your Mobile App is Bleeding Out Users

Getting Users Is Hard

There’s now millions of apps in both app stores, watches to pull attention away from the phone screens and terrifying increases in cost of customer acquisition. It is clear that the key to retention is user satisfaction.

Keeping Users Is Harder

Tapstream put together the data and we’ve seen brutal drops in day one retention. Day seven and thirty weren’t nearly as dramatic, but day one is where everybody is falling off the cliff. What makes day one such a challenge? Here’s four reasons you might be bleeding out users and three ways to plug the holes.

App Localization 101: How Not to Pay Twice

Sooner or later, almost every app developer faces the question of expansion into other markets. When this happens, submitting an application into a foreign store is not enough: the app should be localized. It has been proven that localization can significantly increase app downloads, as it makes the app available and understandable for a larger audience. However, localization goes far beyond a simple translation. Here are a few tips on how to facilitate the localization process, complete with a few handy links to make everything work out smoothly.

4 Steps for Fighting App Abandonment with Push Notifications

Keeping users loyal to your app is an increasingly difficult task for the modern app publisher. With hundreds of new apps vying for the attention of users and the average smartphone owner using only 5 of the 25 apps they’ve downloaded, engaging users beyond the download is vital to an app’s success. While it’s true that the content and features of your app play their part in creating an engaging experience, the best way to fight app abandonment is by implementing a push notification strategy.

Push notifications are an app marketer’s best weapon for fighting low usage and abandonment. A study from Localytics found that users who enabled push messages on average open the app 88% more times than users who disable them, in addition to showing higher retention rates months after installing the app. 

Not only can push notifications bring lapsed users back to an app after a period of inactivity, they can also nurture users towards completing in-app events and conversions. So how can you get the most out of push notifications while increasing app engagement? Here are 4 steps for fighting app abandonment with push:

How to Put Deep Linking to Good Use

I love cooking and therefore I’ve subscribed to a number of recipe websites. Every day I go through email digests on my smartphone to explore interesting recipes I’d like to try. Inevitably I click to view one or two that look appealing and am then taken to the mobile site. There is usually a banner giving me the option to view it in the app. When I initially clicked the link in the email, I hoped it would automatically open in the native app, but alas went straight to the app store. This is the crux of the deep linking issue. It’s annoying to view a recipe on the mobile site when I have the app installed on my phone, allowing for a better interface. Why didn’t the link detect that it was installed and forward me there automatically? No doubt, many who feel exactly the same way.

Word of Mouth: The Most Underrated Channel of App Promotion

With an ever-more competitive mobile marketing landscape and rising costs of user acquisition, app developers would be wise to think outside of the box and consider alternative acquisition channels. Out of all options available, one is extremely powerful: the users you already have.92% of consumers believe recommendations from friends and family over all forms of advertising. Word of mouth marketing (WOM) is seeding a conversation. It’s about getting people to talk about your product with their friends, family, and social networks. While you can’t always control what people are saying about your app, you can make a reference point to frame the discussion.How do you encourage your customers to sell your app for you? User generated content, guerilla marketing, and referral programs are a great place to start.

How You Can Use Three Basic in App Metrics to Improve Your App

In app metrics and analytics can provide so many new insights about apps and their users, but all too often developers struggle to convert that data into actionable information that help to improve their apps.

As Ted Nash from TapDaq puts it in his post,

“90% of developers use in app analytics, but only 5% of them know what to do with their data”.

This is shocking.

In this post, I will look at three basic analytics metrics that you can start acting on today to build a better product.