Applift’s journey is that of a pioneer and a game-changer. When we started back in 2012, our efforts were focused on the needs of the app advertisers and from early on we established a strong focus on performance metrics. Realizing Continue Reading
We are excited to announce that Applift has strengthened its brand under the tagline “True Mobile Performance” in support of our new solution, Mobile Journey Advertising, focused on performance-centric outcomes through cost per action (CPA). The rebrand includes our new logo, Continue Reading
We are happy to announce the appointment of two new additions to our leadership team: industry veterans Tim Kelly appointed Vice President Demand West and Marcus Imaizumi Leads LATAM Team.
モバイルアドテクノロジーのリーディングカンパニーであるAppLift(は、このたびAppLiftのモバイルアプリ広告プラットフォーム「DataLift 360」に、アプリ内イベントデータを活用し、設定したルールを元にオーディエンスをセグメント化できるオーディエンスセグメンテーション機能を追加しました。DataLift 360を利用する広告主は、無料で利用できる機能です。この機能拡充は、より効率的なリターゲティングキャンペーンの作成とROASの最大化をDtaLift 360で図ることが目的です。
We are excited to announce the addition of Audience Segmentation via a rule-building UI to our mobile app advertising platform, DataLift 360, which allows advertisers to define rules and segment users based on multiple in-app events.
We are excited to announce the launch of a powerful new reporting dashboard on our unified platform, DataLift360. The proprietary benchmark dashboard offers further transparency and measurability in the app advertising ecosystem, allowing advertisers to compare themselves against industry benchmarks and optimize performance in real time.
We are excited to announce that as part of our efforts to fight and prevent mobile ad fraud, we announced, today, the release of the Fraud Buster, which combats app install fraud in real-time to ensure higher lifetime value per user and increased return on advertising spend (ROAS).
앱리프트는 약 4년 전 서울에 APAC 지사를 설립하기로 결정했고 그 이후 성장을 계속해 왔습니다. CEO인 팀 코스첼라가 직접 한국을 방문해 비즈니스를 시작하기 위해 적합한 인재를 찾았고 전문가들과 함께 국내 모바일 마케팅 시장의 바탕을 다듬었죠. 앱리프트로써는 5년이 지난 지금, 팀 코스첼라로부터 편지가 도착했는데요. 앱리프트가 어떻게 현재의 비즈니스 모델을 가지게 되었는지, 철학은 무엇인지 설명합니다.