Welcome to the final installment of the Programmatic Survival Guide, in partnership with Pretio Interactive. In the last three parts, we have gone in detail over the main components that make up a programmatic ecosystem. In this last segment, learn how DSPs and SSPs interact with each other in the programmatic environment to serve ads.
お客様のDSPは本当に役に立っていますか? お客様の広告ニーズに合っていますか?豊かなプラットフォームの実行経験から、DSP選択の際に考えなければならない要素に対するチップをいくつかお話ししたいと思います。
지난 몇 년간, 프로그래매틱 미디어 바잉은 이제 모바일 애드테크 업계에서 가장 주목받는 분야가 되었습니다. 또한, 프로그래매틱 생태계에서 늘 함께 거론되는 주제는 단연 DSP(Demand-Side Platform)였죠. DSP는 광고주들이 광고 게재 면을 구매하는 활동을 자동화하며, 캠페인을 보다 쉽게 모니터링할 수 있도록 하는 기술 플랫폼을 말합니다. 오늘은 DSP를 선택하는데 있어서 광고주가 중요하게 생각해 보아야 할 점들에 대해 알아보도록 하겠습니다.
For those who missed our webinar on fundamentals of mobile programmatic with AppLift India MD Rishi Agarwal, here is the presentation deck as well as the the replay from the session.
We are back with yet another edition of our Programmatic Survival Guide, brought to you by AppLift and Pretio Interactive. So far in our four-part series, we have explained the key terms in programmatic and went over how a Demand-Side Platform (DSP) works in a programmatic environment. Today, we present to you how a Supply-Side Platform works.
The growth of programmatic media buying has meant that the market is flooded with DSPs. For an advertiser new to the programmatic environment, the wide range of options in the market can be confusing. Almost all major DSPs have a fairly common set of features, but which DSP is best suited to an advertiser’s campaign needs is what needs to be thought of before setting up programmatic campaigns.
Is your DSP really working for you? Does the DSP suit your advertising needs? On the back of our experience of running a strong platform, we give you some tips on factors to consider when choosing a DSP.
With fall being in full blown mode and the trees shedding their colorful leaves, we’d like to take you on a walk in the park: the programmatic park that is. While this may not be as pretty a scenery to admire, the sights are still worthwhile when planning and executing your marketing activities with focus on success! We summed up the ten main steps to go through when planning out and executing a mobile programmatic campaign.
So let’s go for a stroll!
The IAB Tech Lab released updates to the OpenRTB standard on Wednesday, November 16. The latest release — version 2.5 — includes updates that allow for improvements in the current programmatic technology. The update is the latest in the series of development to the OpenRTB protocol, a set of standards that create open industry standards that ensure all parties, buy and sell can transact RTB at scale and build future industry innovation.
Welcome to the second installment of our four-part infographic series “Programmatic Survival Guide,” brought to you by AppLift and Pretio Interactive. In the first part, we acquainted our readers with the glossary of the key terms in programmatic. Today, we are introducing the programmatic ecosystem in greater detail. In this infographic, we’ll go over workings of a Demand-Side Platform (DSP) in a programmatic environment.