
Monthly Archives:January 2016

It’s Time to Get Personal with Your Players

A recent study by Localytics found that app users are increasingly demanding personalization. They don’t want the same, generic experience as the next person. App users are demanding more personalized content and messages, tailored to their specific behavior, location and intentions. What they want is to feel special. What they want is a relationship.

The truth is you are in a relationship with your players. And yes, it may seem like all they want to do is have fun, not appreciating how hard you work to provide for them. But if you can prove that you are trustworthy, you’ll earn their retained love and engagement.

How do you build trust with your players? A good place to start is through honesty, respect, empathy and communication. Just be careful: Once lost, it can be difficult to earn back.

2016 모바일 인게이지먼트 HOT 트렌드 7

우리는 매순간 모바일에 밀접히 관련된 시대에 살고 있습니다. 왓츠앱 메신저로 친구에게 메시지를 보내든 실시간 전철/버스 시간을 확인하든 대부분의 사람들은 이제 모바일폰 없이는 어디도 갈 수 없게 되었죠.

모바일 커머스 또한 어마어마하게 성장하고 있습니다. 미국의 2분기 크리테오 리포트에서는 2분기 전체 전자상거래에서 mCommerce(이동전자상거래)가 30% 이상을 차지한다고 밝혔습니다. 유저들은 모바일에 점점 더 많은 시간을 사용하고 있으며, 디지털 매체를 사용하는 시간의 62%가 모바일 사용 시간이었고, 그 중 앱 사용은 54%에 이릅니다. 자 그럼 이 수치들이 2016년도에는 어떻게 될까요? 또한, 모바일 인게이지먼트와 관련해 어떤 것을 기대해 볼 수 있을까요?

Mobile Programmatic Advertising: How to Plan for 2016

As mobile marketing and programmatic advertising have grown into effective marketing strategies over the past few years, there are many opportunities for savvy mobile marketers around the corner.

Advertisers will spend nearly $15 billion on programmatic buying in 2015, according to Advertising Age and eMarketer. That’s almost a $5 billion leap from the year before, which accounted for $9.9 billion of overall digital advertising spending.

The Renaissance of Creative Work in a Data-driven RTB Advertising World

As RTB continues its exponential growth and surpasses $20 billion in the US next year, humans simply aren’t needed to power deals and manage negotiations the way they once were and advertising professionals are feeling the pinch. Yet while some see this shift as the death knell for the human element in advertising, it can be argued that what we’re seeing now is the creativity renaissance of the ad industry.

Advertising professionals needn’t feel threatened by ever-increasing automation. Time once spent on repetitive tasks has been freed up to invest in creative work at the very moment our creative needs are exploding. Rather than replacing humans on the job, automation has freed up human labour capacity that can be invested in creative to meet the demand for cross-channel, more granular campaigns.

In performance and brand advertising alike, advertisers have always had an overarching message to share and distribute consistently across channels. As those channels have evolved beyond television and print to include myriad digital channels including social, mobile, video and display, ads have become more granular and targeted to evermore-specific audience segments.

What does this creative renaissance mean for advertising professionals and teams? Let’s explore four factors driving the demand for creative talent across the ad industry: audience segmentation, ad sequencing, real-time marketing and data-driven creative.

모바일 프로덕트 매니저가 꼭 알아야 할 10가지

모바일 프로덕트 매니저(이하 PM)라는 직무는 아직 낯설게 느껴질 수도 있지만, 작년부터 많은 산업 분야에 아울러 유망 직종으로 떠오르는 직무 중에 하나입니다. 많은 시니어 PM들은 모바일 플랫폼으로 이동하고 있으며 (몇 년 혹은 몇 십년이 소요되기도 하는), 이러한 변화는 아직도 많은 도전 거리를 안겨주고 있죠.

PM이 갖춰야할 공통적인 요소 (로드맵 만들기, 필요 조건 정의, 퍼포먼스 측정, 고객 만족도 관리 등)가 있지만, 기존 PM과 모바일 PM은 일적인 부분에 있어서 큰 몇 가지 차이점을 보입니다. 특히 프로젝트의 우선 순위를 결정하는 것과 프로덕트 개선을 위한 새로운 아이디어를 제시하는 부분에서 말이죠.

오늘 블로그 포스팅은 기존 PM과는 달리 모바일 PM들이 바라보는 프로덕트 관점의 차이점과 모바일 PM의 기술적인 스킬들을 알아보겠습니다. 그럼 시작해볼까요!

Life at AppLift with Aiste Povilaikaite

On the AppLift blog, we’re hard at work sharing the latest and freshest tips, trends, and analyses in the mobile advertising industry. Since we started this blog three years ago, we’ve made it our mission to inform, educate, and improve the standards of our industry while avoiding self-promotion as much as possible (well, we do have to talk about ourselves sometimes, this is a corporate blog after all ;).

Today, we are starting a new series in order to introduce the people working in our company: Life at AppLift! The goal is to give a glimpse into who makes our company so vibrant, but also to look at how each individual person within our organization, through their work, can positively impact our industry.

We’re starting off this series with Aiste, Marketing Manager.

Why Programmatic Advertising is an Absolute Game Changer for Mobile Advertising

Many websites, including mobile websites, rely entirely on ad revenue to stay afloat. These publishers range from big players, like Google and Facebook, to many smaller single-developer passion-project websites. Prior to mobile, these sites had an easier time generating views and clicks of their advertisements. They had more screen real estate to play with and there were established best-practices for ad placement. Now mobile traffic has eclipsed desktop/laptop traffic and webmasters are struggling to keep their revenue streams flourishing. This article will outline how utilizing programmatic advertising can help mobile apps and mobile websites regain and expand their profitability.