

Why India Is the Promised Land of m-Commerce

In a country where most users access internet for the first time through a mobile device, this should come as no surprise and in India, mobile seems to be the way forward for e-Commerce companies. According to the Internet and Mobile Association of India, out of the 354 million internet users in India, 213 million are mobile. However it’s not just about the scale of users, but how far they have come in such a short time. The number of mobile users has indeed quadrupled since June 2012 in the sub-continent.

Here is why India is currently the Promised Land of m-Commerce.

7 Little-Known Facts About The Enormous Chinese Mobile App Market

As the second largest economy in the world (and one of the fastest growing), China offers a huge opportunity for many app developers. But it’s easy to miss certain quirks of the Chinese app ecosystem. In this post, I’ll dig into the essential—but often ignored—facts that every developer should know before tackling the Chinese mobile app market.

Mobile Dominates The Chinese Internet.

Like many developing countries, China has more and more mobile-only internet users. China’s overall internet penetration will reach 49.3% this year, with mobile internet usage surpassing that of PCs. According to 2014 data from the state-affiliated China Network Information Center, 83.4% of Chinese web users access the internet through mobile devices, while 80.9% do so via PC.

What Lies Behind The Great Firewall of China and Other Asian Mobile Idiosyncrasies

The Great Firewall of China is a great challenge for both online and mobile market players. Our CEO and Co-Founder, Tim Koschella, recently sat down with ExchangeWire to discuss Asian-specific issues such as the Chinese Firewall, which causes longer bid responses in RTB traffic. He also touched on other topics, such as the fragmentation of inventories, ‘artificial barriers’ and government-imposed limits on traffic. 

중국의 만리방화벽 (The Great Firewall of China)의 이면과 아시아 모바일 시장의 특이점

중국의 만리방화벽 (만리장성 방화벽의 줄임말로서, 공산당 일당체제의 안정을 위해 중국 정부에서 구축한 인터넷 방화벽 시스템)은 온라인와 모바일 시장의 큰 과제입니다. 최근 앱리프트의 공동창립자이자 CEO인 팀코스첼라(Tim Koschella)는 ExchangeWire에 중국방화벽으로 인한 RTB (실시간경매) 어려움과 같은 아시아 시장에 관련한 인터뷰를 했습니다. 그리고 인벤토리의 세분화, 정부의 트래픽 통제 대해서도 그에 생각을 덧붙였습니다.  

Asian Beat #8: Four Insights Into the Malaysian Mobile Games Market

Welcome to the eighth installment of our Asian Beat series! After Vietnam and Thailand, Malaysia is the third South-East Asian country to fall under our microscope.This time again, we teamed up with games research company Newzoo to explore this market. Malaysia is an interesting country, because it is extremely diverse culturally and linguistically. The Malaysian games market, and mobile in particular, is due to grow impressively in the years to come, which makes it a suitable destination to roll out your game in South-East Asia.Here are our top 4 insights into the Malaysian mobile games market!

Asian Beat #7: Five Trends Likely to Shape the Indian Mobile Market in 2015

In 2015, the world finally seems to be witnessing the power of mobile. In emerging economies in particular, people have embraced mobile with open arms as it gives them access to services that weren’t available before. In India, according to a report by the Internet & Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) and IMRB international, the number of mobile internet users is expected to reach 213 million by June this year. More importantly, an impressive 53 million users are estimated to come from the rural areas of India (the remaining 160 million coming from cities).As mobile takes off on the sub-continent, here are the five major trends to looks out for in the Indian Mobile Market in 2015.

New AppLift APAC Offices: To Asia and Beyond…

Today we are extremely pleased to announce our expansion across the APAC region with three new offices in Beijing, China, Tokyo, Japan, as well as Delhi, India. Roughly two years after the opening of our first Asian office in Seoul, we can safely say that we have managed to convert the mobile opportunity lying in the region. Proof of the relevance of our decision to invest in Asia, AppLift’s revenue in the region have tripled over the past twelve months.

아시안 비트 # 6 : 태국 모바일 게임 시장에 관한 5가지 인사이트!

아시안 비트 시리즈의 6번째 포스팅에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 베트남,시장을 들여다본 이후 이제 두번째 동남아 나라, 태국을 살펴보려합니다. 이번에는 게임 리서치 회사인 뉴주(Newzoo)의 도움을 받았습니다. (아직 안 읽어보셨다면 이전에 저희와의 콜라보레이션을 통해 만든 글로벌 모바일 게임 시장 인포그래픽과 아시아 빅3 모바일 게임 마케팅도 확인해보세요).

비록 이 지역에서 가장 큰 시장은 아니지만 동남아에서 모바일 게임 출시를 고려하고 있다면 태국은 빼놓을 수 없는 나라입니다. 사실 태국은 동남아에서 21%의 점유율로 가장 큰 게임 시장이며 2017년까지 이 위치를 유지할 전망이라고 합니다.

뉴주의 대표인 피터 워맨(Peter Warman)은 이렇게 얘기합니다:

태국의 번화한 게임 업계는 글로벌 시장에서 큰 영향력을 가지고 있습니다. 전세계 상위 20개국 안에 자리를 확보하고 있는 태국의 게임 매출은 2017년에 4억 9천만 달러를 초과할 것으로 보입니다. 이중에서 60%의 매출이 모바일에서 올 것으로 보입니다. 지금까지 가장 빠르게 발전하고 있는 분야이기도 하죠. 여전히 빠른 속도로 발전중인 이 지역의 (모바일) 인터넷 커넥션과 함께 모바일 개발자들에게 큰 기회와 지속적인 발전에 있어 엄청난 잠재력을 가진 곳입니다.”

저희가 중요하게 생각하는 태국 모바일 게임 시장에 관한 5가지 인사이트입니다!

Asian Beat #6: Five Insights Into the Thai Mobile Games Market

Welcome to the 6th instalment of the Asian Beat Series! After a stroll through Vietnam, we are now diving into a second South-East Asian country, Thailand. This time we benefit from the insights of games research company Newzoo. (Check out the other products of our fruitful collaboration: the Global Mobile Games Landscape as well as Mobile Games Marketing in Asia’s Big 3).

Although not the largest market in the region, Thailand should not be left out when considering the distribution of your mobile games in South-East Asia. Thailand is, after all, the largest market for games in South-East Asia with a 21% share and should hold the leader position until 2017.

Newzoo CEO Peter Warman confirms:

Thailand’s thriving games industry is a major force in the global market. Securing its place in the global top 20 countries, game revenues in Thailand will exceed $490 million in 2017. About 60% of these revenues will come from mobile, by far the fastest growing segment. With the still fast-rising (mobile) internet connectivity in the region, there is huge potential for continued growth, pointing to enormous opportunities for mobile developers.”

Here are our top five insights into the Thai mobile games market!