
Monthly Archives:May 2015


— 全球领先的移动应用营销平台AppLift,今天正式对外宣布收购Bidstalk公司,该公司是一家为媒体及广告主提供自动服务的白标移动及视频需求方(DSP)平台。 总部位于新加坡,同时其在印度的班加罗尔也设立有R&D中心。Bidstalk为营销人员提供购买RTB移动广告的独家程序化自动服务平台。通过本次收购,此举进一步促使AppLift成为全球注重效果的应用营销市场的先驱。

앱리프트, 모바일 DSP 비드스톡 인수

오늘 앱리프트가 DSP(Demand Side Platform)의 글로벌 선두주자인 비드스톡을 인수 한다는 소식을 전해드립니다. 비드스톡은 싱가폴에 본사를 두고, 인도 방갈로르(Bangalore)에 R&D 센터를 보유하고 있습니다. 이 기술로 모바일 마케터들은 셀프서브(Self-serve) 인터페이스에서 화이트 레벨(White-label) 방식으로 제공되는 실시간 경매 인벤토리를 구입할 수 있게 되고, 하루 40억 이상의 광고 노출이 가능한 DSP의 지원을 받게 됩니다.

Embracing a Programmatic Future: AppLift Acquires Mobile DSP Bidstalk

Today we are very excited to announce that AppLift has acquired Bidstalk, one of the world’s leading mobile demand side platforms (DSP). Bidstalk is headquartered in Singapore, with an additional R&D center in Bangalore, India. Its technology enables mobile marketers to buy RTB-traded inventory through a self-serve interface offered on a white-label basis and works with over 40 DSPs, including some of the biggest names in the RTB space, delivering over 40 billion impressions a day. – See more at:…

App Localisation: How to Unlock Revenue Overseas

The mobile ecosystem has expanded rapidly over the last 5 years, with smartphones and mobile applications now being accessible in nearly every corner of the earth. The Apple App Store supports 155 countries in 28 languages, whilst Google Play has free applications available almost worldwide and supports 46 different languages.

In combination with global growth, app monetisation channels have matured considerably and emerging markets are now being recognised as much more lucrative than before.

Industry Exposed #15: Apptentive “Customer Acquisition Is Only Half the Battle; The Real Challenge is Retention”

Welcome back to our Industry Exposed series where we speak with professionals from the mobile marketing landcape to get first hand in-depth knowledge. This time we spoke with Robi Ganguly, co-founder and CEO of Apptentive, about the misconception of focusing on customer acquisition versus retention, the value in ratings and reviews and demand for data-driven mobile marketing.

Industry Exposed #14: Paddle “Fingerprint Sensors Will Really Help m-Commerce Take Off”

Welcome back to our Mobile Industry Exposed interview series! This time we spoke with Christian Owens, founder and CEO of Paddle, about the importance of creating your monetization strategy taking into account your user. He also touched upon ways to fight m-commerce cart abandonment and explained the direct value of measuring in-app metrics such as location, device and OS version.Christian Owens is the Founder & CEO of Paddle makes it incredibly simple for developers to sell & manage their apps from a single dashboard, with a range of tools for payments, analytics and more.

モバイル広告主が「プログラマティック·メディアバイイング」を愛すべき 5 つの理由

モバイル広告主が「プログラマティック·メディアバイイング」を愛すべき 5 つの理由「プログラマティック·メディアバイイング」という単語がアドテク業界に登場して久しくなりますが、本当の意味をまだ多くの人が知りません。しかしこれから「プログラマティック·メディアバイイング」はアドテク業界の主流になりつつあり、モバイル広告主は取り残されないために今、その意味を把握しておく必要があります。

Five Reasons Why Mobile Advertisers Should Love Programmatic Media Buying

Programmatic media buying has been around for a while, but there are still a lot of people who don’t really know what it is. That’s about to change, because programmatic media buying is going mainstream, and mobile advertisers need to start planning now to avoid being left behind.

What is programmatic media buying?

Programmatic media buying is an offshoot of another buzzword: big data. Big data gave businesses invaluable insights into consumer buying habits. But that information didn’t do any good just sitting around on a bunch of servers, so marketers had to figure out how to analyze it and apply what they found. The computing power to do that has been around for a while now, but there was still one technological roadblock: the process for buying media. The existing process wasn’t sophisticated enough to capitalize on all of that information. Programmatic media buying is changing that by letting marketers automatically buy and run media campaigns with granular segmentation. And the mobile market is beginning to embrace it enthusiastically.




程序化媒体购买是另一个时髦热词- “大数据”的衍生热词。大数据为企业提供对消费者的购买行为进行深度洞察。然而,如果那些信息只停留在一堆服务器上,那就无法发挥其作用,因此营销人员必须得弄清楚如何对其进行分析并灵活地运用他们的新发现。电脑已出现在人们的生活中并发挥其强大的作用,但是购买媒体这个过程仍然存在一些技术障碍。目前这种购买过程还不够成熟,无法充分利用所有的信息。程序化媒体购买通过让营销人员自动购买与精细化运作的媒体宣传活动相结合的方式正在逐渐改变现状。而移动应用市场也开始对其热情拥抱。

프로그래매틱 미디어 바잉을 시작해야 할 5가지 이유

모바일 광고 업계에서 “프로그래매틱 바잉”은 꾸준히 회자되는 주제였음에도 아직 많은 이들이 정확한 뜻을 알지 못하는 실정입니다. 그러나 광고주와 마케터들은 프로그래매틱 바잉에 대해 반드시 알아야 하는 시점이 되었습니다.

프로그래매틱 미디어 바잉이 무엇일까요?

프로그래매틱 미디어 바잉은 빅데이터에서 파생된 용어라 볼 수 있습니다. 빅데이터는 소비자들의 소비 습관에 관해 통찰력을 제공합니다. 그러나 이러한 정보들은 서버에 축척된 엄청난 양의 데이터 일뿐 이것을 가공하고 적용하는 것은 결국 마케터의 역할입니다. 물론 컴퓨팅기술은 이전에도 있었지만 방대한 양의 정보를 활용하여 최적화하기 어려움이 있습니다. 프로그래매틱 바잉은 마케터가 자동적으로 인벤토리를 구입하고 미디어 캠페인을 운영할 수 있도록 변모하고 있고, 모바일 시장은 적극적으로 이를 받아들이기 시작했습니다.