
Monthly Archives:August 2015

The Player Experience: Lifecycle Marketing for Your Game

Gaming is the most popular category in the App Store. With almost half a million competitors in the app store, you need more than a fun game to find success. So how do you find ways to stand out in such a crowded space? By making sure you are providing your players with an exceptional experience at every…single… step.

Customer lifecycle marketing is a practice used to identify milestones along the path that most customers follow throughout their relationship with a product. It is a great tool to anticipate what customers expect in “make-or-break” moments in order to capitalize on each.

While you might know your game inside and out, sometimes the best way to provide the best player experience is to take a step back and see it from their perspective. Below is the typical player life cycle along with the questions you need to answer to create a self sustaining cycle of engagement and retention.

앱의 미래와 모바일 게이트웨이의 시대

7년전 애플의 앱 스토어가 출시된 이후로 모바일 앱 생태계는 견고하고도 지속적인 성장을 이어갔습니다. 물론 그와 관련된 프로덕트와 마케팅 역시 성장하게 되었죠. 앱 스토어가 출시되고 얼마 지나지 않아서 이 새로운 공간은 “땅따먹기”와 같이 공간을 차지하면 이득을 볼 수 있는 회사들의 놀이터가 되었습니다 – 이 공간에서 많은 회사들이, 특히 Rovio(앵그리버드)나 King(캔디크러쉬)과 같은 게임 회사들이 매우 짧은 시간 안에 성공을 이뤄냈죠. 오늘날 앱스토어 전반에 걸쳐 300만개 이상의 앱이 있습니다. 때문에 앱을 발견하는 것이 매우 힘들어졌습니다. 모바일 앱 개발자는 자신의 상품에 유저를 끌어들이기 위해 정말 높은 가치의 제안을 하는 것이 필요해졌습니다.

미국처럼 성숙한 시장에서는, 사람들이 사용하는 앱의 수는 감소하고 있지만, 그 적은 수의 앱을 더 오랫동안 사용하는 것이 추세라고 합니다. 제한된 시간 동안 제한된 수의 앱을 사용한다는 것이죠. 많은 연구와 조사가 이 현상을 증명합니다: 닐슨은 2015년 6월, “상위 200개의 앱 안에서 유저들의 시간의 70%가 소요된다”고 발표했습니다.

The Future of Apps and the Era of Mobile Gateways

The mobile app ecosystem has gone through a rather solid and steady growth since the launch of the Apple App Store seven years ago, and so did the products and marketing associated with it. Shortly after the launch of the App Store, a “land grab” playground arose, where lots of companies – especially gaming companies, such as Rovio or King – found success in a very short amount of time. Today, over 3 millions of apps are available to the end customers across the stores, which makes discoverability extremely hard. Mobile app developers need a really high value proposition to attract users to their products.

In mature markets such as US, current trends show that people use a decreasing amount of applications, but spend more time in those fewer apps. In other words, users dedicate less time to a limited amount of apps. Many studies and surveys back this phenomenon: in June 2015, Nielsen revealed that “70% of the time spent is done within the top 200 applications”.

Why Robots Will Never Completely Replace Humans: A Deep-Dive Into the Work Of an Ad Quality Team

At AppLift Marketing, from time to time, we like to pass on the mic over to other employees in the company so they can provide insights about their specific fields of expertise. A few months ago, AppLift acquired mobile DSP Bidstalk and we fully integrated their team based in Singapore and India. Today, we turn to Kanika Upadhay, Head of Ad Quality, who gives her view on why robots will never completely replace humans for ad operations in general, and ad quality control in particular.

First, Second & Third-Party Data: What’s the Difference, and How Is Each Used in Mobile Marketing?

It’s often been said that data will be the oil of the 21st century. Now, when managing an advertising campaign for the mobile realm, it’s important to know the differences between types of data and how you can best leverage them for your needs. Here are just a few insight on the various kinds of data, and why each is potentially valuable to your marketing efforts.

Maor Sadra: “Let’s Evolve the Entire Mobile Ecosystem by Using the Data and Technology Available to Us”

Even as media buying continues its sea change from traditional direct order technology to programmatic, mobile advertisers struggle to unlock the potential of unified media buying at scale. Programmatic offers an alternative to the labor-intensive and inefficient process of manual direct buys, yet advertisers are finding publishers hesitant to get on board.

Mobile advertisers tapping into the programmatic opportunity should expect to see this resolved in the very near future, as penetration among publishers increases. In fact, programmatic ad spend grew to over $10 billion in the U.S. in 2014, and mobile’s share of all US digital ad spend will reach 72% by 2019, predicts eMarketer.