
Monthly Archives:June 2015

모바일 광고의 수요 vs 공급: 애드테크 갈등의 해결

앱리프트는 최근에 뛰어난 기술력을 가진 모바일 광고주 플랫폼 DSP 기업인 비드스톡의 인수를 발표함으로써, 광고주 스택에 중요한 구성요소를 하나 더 갖게 되었습니다. 이러한 결정은 하루 아침에 이루어진것이 아니라 시장의 비전과 애드테크와 마테크 (마케팅 테크놀로지, 기존 고객 기반의 관리를 가능하게 하는 솔루션) 미래에 대한 이해에서 비롯된 것입니다.

저는 수 년간 공급과 수요 양쪽과 일해온 앱리프트가 실시간 입찰 (RTB)기반의 프로그래매틱 DSP에 투자하는 것이 왜 중요했는지의 배경에 대해 좀 더 설명하고자 합니다.

移动广告中的供、需关系: 论述解决不可避免的广告技术冲突

移动应用营销平台AppLift 最近宣布收购 Bidstalk公司,这是一个需求方平台(DSP),其技术力量十分雄厚,因此收购该公司从而能够为本公司的推广需求输入一批重要的技术人才。这种发展演变并非一日一时之事,而是根据我们对市场前景以及广告技术(adtech)与营销技术(这是使你能够管理现有客户群的优秀解决方案)的发展前景进行深思熟虑的分析和解读所得出的解决方案。


Three Ways to Feed Consumers’ Hunger for Mobile Gaming, While Respecting Their Privacy

Back in 2008, the world changed. Apple introduced its first ever iPhone and a store to house small icons that led to larger applications, called apps, that could be downloaded to your device – the App Store. Since then, an entire and very profitable industry has been built around app design and development. The App Store offers nearly 1.5 million apps in 24 categories, including social networking, gaming, photo & video, health & fitness, travel, to name a few.

The most successful category of apps continues to be gaming. According to a report from The NPD Group, the average time spent playing mobile games in 2014 increased by 57% compared to 2012, with three hours daily playing games on our mobile devices and tablets. This explains why this business has become so successful over the years, and it’s not stopping. A recent study predicts that the total revenue for mobile gaming will hit $30 billion in revenue in 2015 and $40 billion in 2017, up from $25 billion in 2014.