

New eBook: 5 Steps to Successfully Market Your Free-to-Play Mobile Game

It’s no secret that in the past couple of years, Free-to-Play has asserted itself as the main and most successful revenue model for mobile games.It’s no secret that in the past couple of years, Free-to-Play has asserted itself as the main and most successful revenue model for mobile games.It’s no secret that in the past couple of years, Free-to-Play has asserted itself as the main and most successful revenue model for mobile games.It’s no secret that in the past couple of years, Free-to-Play has asserted itself as the main and most successful revenue model for mobile games.

Mobile World Congress 2013: the Top 3 Take-Aways for the Mobile Games Industry

Yet another vintage of MWC comes to an end. After nearly a week of action packed, whirlwind days of mobile enthusiasm from: meetings, holding down the fort at the exhibitor booth, every excuse under the sun to attend a networking event or party, we are going to trim away the conference madness to extract the key points for attending MWC, for the mobile apps industry and more specifically, mobile gaming.

Yet another vintage of MWC comes to an end. After nearly a week of action packed, whirlwind days of mobile enthusiasm from: meetings, holding down the fort at the exhibitor booth, every excuse under the sun to attend a networking event or party, we are going to trim away the conference madness to extract the key points for attending MWC, for the mobile apps industry and more specifically, mobile gaming.

Yet another vintage of MWC comes to an end. After nearly a week of action packed, whirlwind days of mobile enthusiasm from: meetings, holding down the fort at the exhibitor booth, every excuse under the sun to attend a networking event or party, we are going to trim away the conference madness to extract the key points for attending MWC, for the mobile apps industry and more specifically, mobile gaming.

Yet another vintage of MWC comes to an end. After nearly a week of action packed, whirlwind days of mobile enthusiasm from: meetings, holding down the fort at the exhibitor booth, every excuse under the sun to attend a networking event or party, we are going to trim away the conference madness to extract the key points for attending MWC, for the mobile apps industry and more specifically, mobile gaming.

App Store Marketing: Stick Out and Go for the Close

Hello and welcome to the first part of our series on the user lifecycle!

User Acquisition is certainly the hottest and most debated issue in the mobile marketing space right now. With almost 800,000 apps on the Apple AppStore, and as many on Google Play, discoverability in particular remains a major issue for app publishers.

Hello and welcome to the first part of our series on the user lifecycle!

User Acquisition is certainly the hottest and most debated issue in the mobile marketing space right now. With almost 800,000 apps on the Apple AppStore, and as many on Google Play, discoverability in particular remains a major issue for app publishers.

Hello and welcome to the first part of our series on the user lifecycle!

User Acquisition is certainly the hottest and most debated issue in the mobile marketing space right now. With almost 800,000 apps on the Apple AppStore, and as many on Google Play, discoverability in particular remains a major issue for app publishers.

Hello and welcome to the first part of our series on the user lifecycle!

User Acquisition is certainly the hottest and most debated issue in the mobile marketing space right now. With almost 800,000 apps on the Apple AppStore, and as many on Google Play, discoverability in particular remains a major issue for app publishers. Interview with Tim Koschella, AppLift Co-Founder and Managing Director

On the side of the gaming conference and trade fair Casual Connect Europe in Hamburg (meet us there!), AppLift co-founder and managing director Tim Koschella was interviewed by, a German website dedicated to mobile industry news. We thought the interview offered a good summary of AppLift’s vision and positioning in the mobile gaming space. For those of you who are lucky enough to speak German ;), you can find the original article here. Otherwise, no worries, here’s a translation:On the side of the gaming conference and trade fair Casual Connect Europe in Hamburg (meet us there!), AppLift co-founder and managing director Tim Koschella was interviewed by, a German website dedicated to mobile industry news. We thought the interview offered a good summary of AppLift’s vision and positioning in the mobile gaming space. For those of you who are lucky enough to speak German ;), you can find the original article here. Otherwise, no worries, here’s a translation:On the side of the gaming conference and trade fair Casual Connect Europe in Hamburg (meet us there!), AppLift co-founder and managing director Tim Koschella was interviewed by, a German website dedicated to mobile industry news. We thought the interview offered a good summary of AppLift’s vision and positioning in the mobile gaming space. For those of you who are lucky enough to speak German ;), you can find the original article here. Otherwise, no worries, here’s a translation:On the side of the gaming conference and trade fair Casual Connect Europe in Hamburg (meet us there!), AppLift co-founder and managing director Tim Koschella was interviewed by, a German website dedicated to mobile industry news. We thought the interview offered a good summary of AppLift’s vision and positioning in the mobile gaming space. For those of you who are lucky enough to speak German ;), you can find the original article here. Otherwise, no worries, here’s a translation:

User Lifecycle: Why the Big Picture Matters

The fast growth of the freemium model over the past couple of years has made it obvious that mobile game developers and publishers need to draw a thick line between user acquisition and monetization. Getting people to download your app is merely the first step. What follows is the need to engage, retain and finally convert those people into paying users. In other words, from player to payer. This distinction requires you to think ahead and plan the various steps that will lead to the efficient monetization of your user base. We can think of this series of steps as AVREM:

The fast growth of the freemium model over the past couple of years has made it obvious that mobile game developers and publishers need to draw a thick line between user acquisition and monetization. Getting people to download your app is merely the first step. What follows is the need to engage, retain and finally convert those people into paying users. In other words, from player to payer. This distinction requires you to think ahead and plan the various steps that will lead to the efficient monetization of your user base. We can think of this series of steps as AVREM:

The fast growth of the freemium model over the past couple of years has made it obvious that mobile game developers and publishers need to draw a thick line between user acquisition and monetization. Getting people to download your app is merely the first step. What follows is the need to engage, retain and finally convert those people into paying users. In other words, from player to payer. This distinction requires you to think ahead and plan the various steps that will lead to the efficient monetization of your user base. We can think of this series of steps as AVREM:

The fast growth of the freemium model over the past couple of years has made it obvious that mobile game developers and publishers need to draw a thick line between user acquisition and monetization. Getting people to download your app is merely the first step. What follows is the need to engage, retain and finally convert those people into paying users. In other words, from player to payer. This distinction requires you to think ahead and plan the various steps that will lead to the efficient monetization of your user base. We can think of this series of steps as AVREM:

Locked In: Why AppStore Marketing Has Just Gotten Tougher

AppStore marketing is a challenging sport.

In our last article we highlighted the importance of having all your AppStore visual assets ready as early as possible. This requisite has just been made all the more stringent by Apple who announced that, as of January 10 2013, screenshots will be locked once the app has been approved. This change in policy seems justified by their efforts to thwart a common scamming tactic employed by fake apps, which resides in swapping out approved screenshots with new ones stolen from popular iOS titles, in order to lure users in.

AppStore marketing is a challenging sport.

In our last article we highlighted the importance of having all your AppStore visual assets ready as early as possible. This requisite has just been made all the more stringent by Apple who announced that, as of January 10 2013, screenshots will be locked once the app has been approved. This change in policy seems justified by their efforts to thwart a common scamming tactic employed by fake apps, which resides in swapping out approved screenshots with new ones stolen from popular iOS titles, in order to lure users in.

AppStore marketing is a challenging sport.

In our last article we highlighted the importance of having all your AppStore visual assets ready as early as possible. This requisite has just been made all the more stringent by Apple who announced that, as of January 10 2013, screenshots will be locked once the app has been approved. This change in policy seems justified by their efforts to thwart a common scamming tactic employed by fake apps, which resides in swapping out approved screenshots with new ones stolen from popular iOS titles, in order to lure users in.

AppStore marketing is a challenging sport.

In our last article we highlighted the importance of having all your AppStore visual assets ready as early as possible. This requisite has just been made all the more stringent by Apple who announced that, as of January 10 2013, screenshots will be locked once the app has been approved. This change in policy seems justified by their efforts to thwart a common scamming tactic employed by fake apps, which resides in swapping out approved screenshots with new ones stolen from popular iOS titles, in order to lure users in.

The new app economy: a fast-track to Freemium Town

First things first: we’re wishing you a happy, successful and (let’s make it) fun year ahead!

A couple of days ago we announced that we were going to increase the online presence of AppLift in 2013. Beyond regular company and industry news, we’d like to use our position as the first CPA network dedicated to mobile games to bring you informative and insightful content to help you acquire and efficiently monetize your users. Let’s grow the mobile space together!

First things first: we’re wishing you a happy, successful and (let’s make it) fun year ahead!

A couple of days ago we announced that we were going to increase the online presence of AppLift in 2013. Beyond regular company and industry news, we’d like to use our position as the first CPA network dedicated to mobile games to bring you informative and insightful content to help you acquire and efficiently monetize your users. Let’s grow the mobile space together!

First things first: we’re wishing you a happy, successful and (let’s make it) fun year ahead!

A couple of days ago we announced that we were going to increase the online presence of AppLift in 2013. Beyond regular company and industry news, we’d like to use our position as the first CPA network dedicated to mobile games to bring you informative and insightful content to help you acquire and efficiently monetize your users. Let’s grow the mobile space together!

First things first: we’re wishing you a happy, successful and (let’s make it) fun year ahead!

A couple of days ago we announced that we were going to increase the online presence of AppLift in 2013. Beyond regular company and industry news, we’d like to use our position as the first CPA network dedicated to mobile games to bring you informative and insightful content to help you acquire and efficiently monetize your users. Let’s grow the mobile space together!

2013, bring it on!

Hi there!

It’s been some time since our last post, when we announced the launch of HitFox Game Ventures (now HitFox Group). A lot has happened in 6 months. Since the creation of AppLift in August 2012, we’ve been working hard to build the first and the best performance CPA network exclusively dedicated to mobile games.

Hi there!

It’s been some time since our last post, when we announced the launch of HitFox Game Ventures (now HitFox Group). A lot has happened in 6 months. Since the creation of AppLift in August 2012, we’ve been working hard to build the first and the best performance CPA network exclusively dedicated to mobile games.

Hi there!

It’s been some time since our last post, when we announced the launch of HitFox Game Ventures (now HitFox Group). A lot has happened in 6 months. Since the creation of AppLift in August 2012, we’ve been working hard to build the first and the best performance CPA network exclusively dedicated to mobile games.

>Hi there!

It’s been some time since our last post, when we announced the launch of HitFox Game Ventures (now HitFox Group). A lot has happened in 6 months. Since the creation of AppLift in August 2012, we’ve been working hard to build the first and the best performance CPA network exclusively dedicated to mobile games.