
Mobile Marketing Trends

It’s Time to Get Personal with Your Players

A recent study by Localytics found that app users are increasingly demanding personalization. They don’t want the same, generic experience as the next person. App users are demanding more personalized content and messages, tailored to their specific behavior, location and intentions. What they want is to feel special. What they want is a relationship.

The truth is you are in a relationship with your players. And yes, it may seem like all they want to do is have fun, not appreciating how hard you work to provide for them. But if you can prove that you are trustworthy, you’ll earn their retained love and engagement.

How do you build trust with your players? A good place to start is through honesty, respect, empathy and communication. Just be careful: Once lost, it can be difficult to earn back.

7 Hot Mobile Engagement Trends for 2016

We are at a point in history where mobile is intertwined with our everyday activities. Whether you are using your mobile to send a quick Whatsapp message to your friend or to check the live train/bus times, most people do not go anywhere without their phones.

Growth in mobile commerce is unstoppable. In fact, according to a Criterio report in Q2, U.S. mCommerce passed 30 % share. Users are spending more and more time on their mobiles with mobile usage accounting for 62 % of digital time spent and app activity holding 54 %. So how will this play through to 2016? What can we expect to develop in regards to mobile engagement?

Top 11 Mobile AdTech Predictions for 2016

Phew, what a year it was! Before we all start indulging in well-deserved end-of-year festivities, we thought it would be good to make a few bets on what lies in store for next year.

Here are our top 11 mobile adtech predictions for the year to come. We sorted them into three buckets, depending on their level of speculation.

Don’t agree with ook ne/some/any of them? We’d love to hear your conflicting opinion 🙂 Please use the comment section or send us an email directly to blog[at] and we will do a follow up blog post should we receive enough different viewpoints.

​iOS9: 3 New Opportunities for App Developers

Apple’s latest operating system, iOS9, was introduced at the annual Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference Keynote, held on June 8 in San Francisco.

Since the general launch in September, we’ve observed an impressively quick adoption rate: there are now more than 67% of devices that are running on iOS9. Surprisingly enough, iOS9 is also supported on “older” devices such as the iPhone 4S and the iPad 2.

Although iOS9 is not significantly different from iOS8, we must admit that several of its new features and enhancements to stock applications are reshaping users behaviors within their device, which is becoming increasingly intelligent.

Indeed, throughout this release, Apple sought to integrate intelligence on its new OS to get closer to its users and learn about their habits and preferences. The whole point is to simplify the users’ daily routine and everyday tasks by providing with intelligent and contextual responses.

Many improvements were therefore brought to Siri, Search, Apple Pay, Maps and more. As stated on Apple’s official website, “the more you do with iOS 9, the more you’ll wonder how you ever did without it.”

These new changes represent new opportunities to app developers and app marketers who should have by now already iterated their app marketing and App Store Optimization strategy accordingly. Indeed, iOS9 has definitely impacted the way apps are searched, found and displayed, especially thanks to deep linking technology.

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly of Social App Install Ads

Every day, there are 3.2 billion interactions on Facebook, half a billion tweets and 70 million Instagram photos posted. This means that if you want to reach an audience of mobile users for your app, it’s becoming increasingly important to have a presence on social media. Yet, with so much competition in the app stores, simply having a Facebook page for your app or tweeting your latest updates might not be enough.

Any great UA strategy incorporates a few different channels. The app install ad becoming a staple channel for many developers. Facebook, Twitter, and now Instagram all offer similar advertising options for developers in the form of app install ads. These ads are effective, but by no means cheap. Many developers will only have room in their budgets to promote their app on one network.

For this reason, we’ve laid out the good, the bad, and the ugly of each, so that you can make an informed choice on which one is right for you.

Leveraging App Bundles To Increase Your Bottom Line

Last year, with the release of iOS8, Apple added App Bundles, a new way to (hopefully) increase revenue by bundling together apps and selling them at a discount.

In theory, App Bundles looked like a super simple way to increase revenue. After all, who wouldn’t want to get more apps for less money (per app), right?

A year in, we can see that App Bundles can be great, if you can leverage them properly. Armed with data, let’s take a look how you can do that.

appsfigures conducted an analysis of App Bundles in 2014 that showed some impressive growth numbers, so lets start by analyzing the existing landscape and comparing it to last year.

앱의 미래와 모바일 게이트웨이의 시대

7년전 애플의 앱 스토어가 출시된 이후로 모바일 앱 생태계는 견고하고도 지속적인 성장을 이어갔습니다. 물론 그와 관련된 프로덕트와 마케팅 역시 성장하게 되었죠. 앱 스토어가 출시되고 얼마 지나지 않아서 이 새로운 공간은 “땅따먹기”와 같이 공간을 차지하면 이득을 볼 수 있는 회사들의 놀이터가 되었습니다 – 이 공간에서 많은 회사들이, 특히 Rovio(앵그리버드)나 King(캔디크러쉬)과 같은 게임 회사들이 매우 짧은 시간 안에 성공을 이뤄냈죠. 오늘날 앱스토어 전반에 걸쳐 300만개 이상의 앱이 있습니다. 때문에 앱을 발견하는 것이 매우 힘들어졌습니다. 모바일 앱 개발자는 자신의 상품에 유저를 끌어들이기 위해 정말 높은 가치의 제안을 하는 것이 필요해졌습니다.

미국처럼 성숙한 시장에서는, 사람들이 사용하는 앱의 수는 감소하고 있지만, 그 적은 수의 앱을 더 오랫동안 사용하는 것이 추세라고 합니다. 제한된 시간 동안 제한된 수의 앱을 사용한다는 것이죠. 많은 연구와 조사가 이 현상을 증명합니다: 닐슨은 2015년 6월, “상위 200개의 앱 안에서 유저들의 시간의 70%가 소요된다”고 발표했습니다.