

40 Browser Bookmarks for the Savvy Mobile Marketer

In the complex and rapidly-evolving mobile marketing landscape, it’s more than ever paramount for mobile marketers to consult the right sources of information in order to remain updated on the latest news and evolutions in the space. At AppLift we do our upmost to bring you insightful tips, news and resources on a regular basis so you can find your way through the mobile jungle. There are however hundreds of other blogs and websites out there and it’s not always easy for the mobile marketer to know which ones to focus on at first.This is why we put together the top 40 blogs, websites, tools and other resources into one single simple HTML file that you can easily import straight into your browser of choice and consult at your convenience.

eCPM? API? The Top 21 Ad Tech Buzzwords Demystified

What some of the trendiest words in ad tech actually mean.

The mobile ad tech space has only been around for a few years but still long enough to accumulate a clutter of ad tech lingo that leaves newbies and onlookers to the industry equally confused. Sure, you’ve heard these terms before – but do you really know what they mean? If you no longer want to pretend to know but actually want to become clear on what’s behind these fancy acronyms and names, then the following glossary is for you – ranked in decreasing order of buzziness!